
How Australasia’s first free-floating carsharing service rose to fame: Mevo Case Study

Find out how Mevo became Australasia's first freefloating carsharing service.




Wellington, Hamilton & Auckland


Carsharing, Shared Mobility


Our case studies give you exclusive insights into how our clients are transforming the mobility industry, as well as demonstrate their incredible growth and achievements.

August 18, 2022 Since its launch in 2016, Mevo, Australasia’s first free-floating carsharing service, has certainly moved up in the industry. Mevo currently operates in Wellington, Auckland, and Hamilton. Mevo aims to help create more livable and breathable cities for New Zealanders by offering a more sustainable and affordable alternative to private car ownership. Starting a business that would deliver rapid and significant positive change was the goal for Mevo, which they can proudly say they have achieved.

We provide a better alternative to private car ownership, so we’re focused on how widespread carsharing can improve cities and help people live in them.

Finn Lawrence

Founding Director & Head of Product, Mevo

Read the full case study here!

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